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.: Дата публикации 17-Июл-2005 :: Просмотров: 1227 :: Нет комментариев :: Распечатать данную статью :: Распечатать все статьи:.
Warpriests are fierce, earthy clerics who pray for peace but prepare for war. Their strong wills, powerful personalities, and devotion to their deities make them fearsome combatants. Clerics make good warpriests; members of other classes need levels as a cleric before they can qualify as warpriests because of the domain requirements.

- Hit Die: d8.
- Proficiencies: All simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor, shields.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.


Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Persuade 5 or more ranks.
Feats: Combat Casting.
Class: Cleric.
Domains: At least one of the following: Destruction, Protection, Strength, War.


1: Rally - Allies within 60 feet who are suffering from any fear effect are allowed an immediate Will saving throw at the DC of the fear effect, with a +1 morale bonus per warpriest level.
2: Inflame - provides those who listen a morale bonus on saving throws against any mind influencing effect. The bonus begins at +2 for a 2nd level warpriest and increases by +2 each even numbered level thereafter (+4 at 4th level, etc). This effect lasts 5 minutes, plus 1 minute per level of the warpriest.
3: Healing Circle - Per the spell, once a day.
6: Fear Aura - Once per day spell-like ability.
7: Mass Haste - Per the spell, once a day.
8: Mass Heal - Per the spell, once a day.
9: Fear Aura - Increases to twice per day spell-like ability.
10: Implacable Foe - While in use, allies within the radius who take enough damage to become disabled or dying ignore the effects of that damage and continue fighting. Death occurs instantly at -20 hit points.


Upon reaching level 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in his highest divine caster class (cleric).
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