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.: Дата публикации 17-Июл-2005 :: Просмотров: 771 :: Нет комментариев :: Распечатать данную статью :: Распечатать все статьи:.
Dwarven Battleragers, or kuldjargh (axe idiots), are legendary berserker warriors who can enter a battle frenzy through ritualistic singing. They are believed to have been touched by the dwarven gods of battle, who taught them that if they die in battle, they will return stronger than before as a just reward. Therefore, they have no fear of death. Battleragers command a grudging, if fearful, respect within dwarven society, where they are known to have coined such philosophically complex dwarven maxims like "head first" and "if it moves, kill it." Most live short, glorious lives.

- Hit Die: d12.
- Proficiencies: A battlerager does not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.


Class: Barbarian.
Alignment: Any non lawful.
Race: any Dwarven race.
Feats: Cleave, Toughness, Power Attack.
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks, Lore 2 ranks.


1: Battle Rage - +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, +2 morale bonus to Will saving throws. Lasts for 3 rounds + Constitution modifier. Can be used once per day. When the battlerager's level + the barbarian's level + (any other applicable barbarian PrC's level) add up to 15 or more, this effect is increased to +6 Strength and Constitution and it becomes a +3 morale bonus to will saves. i.e. A Barbarian 10 / Battlerager 5 has Greater Battle Rage and Greater Rage.
Resist Poison - +4 bonus to all Fortitude saving throws vs. poison.
Skill Focus: Intimidate - +3 bonus to all skill checks involving Intimidate.
2: Aura of Courage - Character becomes immune to fear.
Knockdown - Battlerager can attempt to knock an opponent to the ground at a -4 penalty to attack.
3: Battle Rage - Can now be used twice a day.
Improved Unarmed Strike - Player no longer incurs an attack of opportunity while attacking unarmed.
4: Great Cleave - As Cleave, except there is no longer a limit on subsequent attacks.
Improved Knockdown - As knockdown, but now the character can an attempt a knockdown attack as if he were one size category larger.
5: Armor Skin - Character's skin hardens and receives a +2 bonus to his natural AC.
Battle Rage - Can now be used three times a day.

EPIC BATTLERAGER (after char level 20, you may continue progression to become one of the greatest kuldjargh ever to walk the planes of existence)

6: Epic Skill Focus: Intimidate - +10 bonus to skill checks involving intimidate, Intimidating Rage
7: Battle Rage 4/day
8: Ferocious Prowess - The epic battlerager receives a +1 to his attack bonus and a +1 bonus to his damage while wielding a melee weapon.
9: Battle Rage 5/day
10: Terrifying Rage, Bonus Feat
11: Battle Rage 6/day
13: Battle Rage 7/day
15: Battle Rage 8/day, Bonus Feat
17: Battle Rage 9/day
19: Battle Rage 10/day
20: Bonus Feat

The battle

Bonus feats list: Thundering Rage, Mighty Rage, Epic Damage Reduction, Epic Prowess, Overwhelming Critical, Devastating Critical, Epic Weapon Focus, Great Strength.
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