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.: Дата публикации 17-Июл-2005 :: Просмотров: 751 :: Нет комментариев :: Распечатать данную статью :: Распечатать все статьи:.
Some people just like to fight. Whether it be in a pub, defending a friend's honor, or in a back alley, robbing an old man, a brawler's primary ability is using his fists to bludgeon his enemies senseless. Some become professionals, fighting in sports events for money and fame. Others remain largely unknown, fighting for the sheer pleasure of it. Yet others become adventurers, realizing their talents can be used on monsters as well. All brawlers share one thing in common: a preference for fighting with their fists. However, they can still pick up weapons and swing them with awesome efficiency, making them deadly combatants.

- Hit Die: d10.
- Proficiencies: The brawler is proficient in simple and martial weapons and all armor and shields
- Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int Modifier


Craft, Discipline, Heal, Intimidate, Jump, Lore, Perform, Spot, Tumble


Base Attack: +1 per level
Saving Throws: Fortitude - strong, Will - weak, Reflex - weak

1: Brawler Fists (1d6)
Bonus Feat
Improved Unarmed Strike
4: Bonus Feat
6: Brawler Fists (1d8, +1 Enhancement)
8: Bonus Feat
12: Brawler Fists (1d10, +2 Enhancement)
Bonus Feat
16: Bonus Feat
18: Brawler Fists (2d6, +3 Enhancement)
20: Bonus Feat
23: Bonus Feat
24: Brawler Fists (2d8, +4 Enhancement)
26: Bonus Feat
29: Bonus Feat
30: Brawler Fists (2d10, +5 Enhancement)
32: Bonus Feat
35: Bonus Feat
36: Brawler Fists (3d8, +6 Enhancement)
38: Bonus Feat

Brawler Fists: A brawler's fists do more damage than a normal character's, but only when fighting without weapons or a shield. In addition, the strengthening of the flesh and bone of the hand caused by constantly punching hard things has given them the ability to pierce through damage resistance, starting at level 6.

NOTE: If multiclassed with a monk, the character will use whichever unarmed damage is better. It does not stack. In addition, taking a level in monk disables the use of certain brawler bonus feats (see below.)


- All Fighter bonus feats except Weapon Specialization
- Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes
- Epic Fortitude, Epic Will, Epic Reflexes (Level 21+)
- Great Strength, Great Dexterity, Great Constitution (Level 21+)
- Brawler Blocking +1, +2, +3, +4, +5 (Unarmed blocking bonus to shield AC) (Requires Level 1+, 6+, 12+, 18+, 24+)
- Brawler Extra Attack I, II, III (Extra unarmed attacks) (Requires Level 10+, 20+, 30+, Does not stack with Monk)
- Brawler Damage Reduction 3/-, 6/-, 9/- (Requires Level 16+, 21+, 26+, Constitution 19+, Does not stack with Epic DR)
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