
Stormlords are the agents of Talos, inflicting destructive rampages wherever they wander. Talos cares only that they call up storms or engage in spectacular acts of violence. Stormlords often live as brigands, indulging their personals desires for wealth, food, luxury and wanton behavior as they crave random, spectacular acts of violence.

- Hit Die: d8.
- Proficiencies: A Stormlord does not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.


Alignment: Non-Good and Non-Lawful.
Feats: Great Fortitude, Weapon Focus (Spear)
Divine Spellcasting: Can cast 3rd level spells.
Class: Druid or Cleric.
Special: Must worship Talos. (Clerics taking this class must have one of the following domains: Destruction, Fire, Evil.)


1: Electrical Resistance 10 - Stormlord gains 10 points of Electrical resistance.
2: Shock Spear - Any spear used by a Stormlord is treated as a shock weapon (+1d6 electrical damage).
4: Electrical Resistance 15
5: Thundering Spear - Any spear used by a Stormlord is treated as a thundering weapon (+1d10 sonic damage on critical). This stacks with the Shock Weapon Ability.
7: Electrical Resistance 20
8: Shocking Spear - Any spear used by a Stormlord is treated as a shocking weapon (+1d10 electrical damage on critical). This stacks with the Shock and Thundering Weapon Abilities.
9: Electrical Immunity
10: Elemental Conflagration - A Stormlord gains the ability to summon a huge elemental once a day.


Upon gaining a level in Stormlord, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in his highest caster class (druid or cleric). He does not learn any new spells through his abilities

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